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İpek Eyüboğlu


Born in 1992, İpek Eyüboğlu started her education life at TED Istanbul College Foundation. Eyüboğlu, one of the first students of our school, was deemed worthy of the "Golden Female Student" award after studying at our school for 12 years. Eyüboğlu, who graduated from the Department of Architecture at Northeastern University in Boston, works in the family company. He has been serving as president for his third term since 2019.

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The message of the president

My Dear Cousins,

Educational life occupies a big place in a person's future. I am proud every day to be a TED member who spent twelve years at TED Istanbul College. As I leave behind my student years, which I completed with great happiness, and when I started my business life, it is a particular pride for me to be a part of the TED Istanbul College Alumni Association and to continue the TED legacy.

It is the duty of every TED member to continue the values we shared during our primary and high school years. It is a privilege for us to have common ground with every TED member we encounter in both business and social life. We attach importance to our social gatherings to strengthen the concept of family. Meanwhile, in order to keep up with the times, we continue to share content about our graduates and their achievements on all our social media accounts.

I request you to participate in events to continue our social legacy, support our content on social media platforms and contact us for your own projects.

I and our colleagues on our Boards work every day to create this space for you. It gives us great excitement to keep the TED culture alive and support our little cousins with your support.

See you at the meetings.

With my love and respect,

İpek Eyüboğlu

Chairman of TEDMED Board of Directors

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